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Masonic Teams Race is Back

We are thrilled to see the return of the Masonic Cup Teams Race for 2021 on Sunday 18th April.

It's one of our most popular afternoon club races - a Wakatere classic as we venture around North Head to the inner harbour. The race was originally sponsored by the former Masonic Tavern and sailors were known to leap ashore for refreshments mid-race.

All entries on the day will be distributed amongst SIX TEAMS. This year's team leaders will be introduced to you on Sunday - all have significant sailing backgrounds and skills to share.

Racing will start off Wakatere, passing North Head to a mark off/near the old Masonic Tavern in Devonport - no stopping for refreshments anymore, straight home. The Opti Green fleet will have a shorter course.

Race Officer Dean Coleman will make the team allocation just before briefing so please sign on early using the QR code for the day.

Sign on early so teams can be allocated!
Briefing 1230 hrs with team allocation announced
Team Leaders to brief his/her team on race tactics
Race start as soon as possible after team briefings
Fun prize giving, lolly scramble, and barbeque will follow

Have fun
Introduce Club members to some of our incredibly successful yachtsmen & women
Reinforce to our juniors that sailing is a sport for life
Wakatere is a true family club catering for both Junior, Youth, and Senior sailing

Club members, see you early Sunday!

Bottom image: original Masonic Tavern (built 1866) 29 King Edward Pde, Devonport
Top image: Wakatere Masonic fleet racing 2016


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